IPG research is concentrating on flue gas cleaning, natural gas processing and storage technologies, environmental protection, information technology
and IGCC advanced processes.
IPG carries out research in association with Universities on different areas including the use of active carbon or hydrates to store natural gas.
IPG signed recently a cooperation agreement with the German Utility STEAG AG in the field of thermal power plant environmental systems. This activity will include the study of relevant technical improvements in this sector.
IPG recently presented at Power Gen Europe 2005 Conference a new gas turbine cycle and a new advanced refinery residues IGCC (integrated gasification combined cycle) process, having the scope to reduce the kWh cost produced by the plants of the present technology.
IPG has been involved as participating partner in a recently approved EU-funded 3-years project on the development of novel technology for the storage of natural gas. This activity on the development of natural gas technology is in progress.
Schematic diagram illustrating energy transformation starting from fossil fuels
(click to enlarge)