technology for future

engineering support
project financing
measurement & setting
technology transfer


1. What developments in power plants and transmission systems can help you compete in this new environment? by G. Dodero IPG Srl. Paper presented the 8th Dec. 1998 in London at the IBC Conference New entrants in global power generation.

2. Electric Power Plant Capital Costs, by G. Dodero, D. Castelli & M. Coffetti IPG Srl. This paper has been presented at POWER-GEN 98 in Milano and published by the magazine Impiantistica Italiana on n. 5 September-October '98 issue.

3. Environmental Policy by G. Dodero IPG Srl. This paper has been presented at the IEA Workshop on Financing Cleaner Fossil Power Generation in Asia in Singapore (November 18-19 1998).
This Workshop has been organized by the US Department of Energy, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, the Australian Department of Primary Industries and Energy, the Kingdom Department of Trade and Industry and the United Nations. This paper has been published by the magazine Impiantistica Italiana on n. 3 May-June 99 issue.

4. Energy from town wastes: Thermal Treatment Technologies and their Capital Costs by G. Dodero and M. Coletti IPG Srl.
This paper has been presented at POWER GEN 99 in Frankfurt on the session dedicated to Waste-to-Energy.

5. Produzione di energia elettrica da rifiuti urbani: tecnologie e costi capitale del trattamento termico by G. Dodero and M. Coletti IPG Srl. This paper has been presented at ABANO ATI Conference 20-21 May 99.

6. Energy from town wastes by G. Dodero and M. Coletti IPG Srl.
This paper has been presented at RICICLA 99 conference, Rimini 21-24 October 99.

7. Confronto tecnico-economico tra le tecnologie termiche di trattamento dei rifiuti per la produzione di energia elettrica by G. Dodero and M. Coletti IPG Srl. This paper has been presented the 17 Nov 99 at the Conference Italian Flame Days promoted by ENEA, the Italian Nuclear Energy Agency, now mainly involved in the environment protection.

8. Current Status of Italian and European Electricity Market by G. Dodero IPG Srl.
This paper has been presented on the 30 November 1999 at the Financial Times European Electricity Conference The Opening of a market.

9. Defining the fuel strategy of combined cycle thermal power plants: the role of the advanced natural gas storage technologies by G. Dodero and M. Coletti IPG Srl. This paper has been presented on 20 June 2000 at the POWER-GEN Conference held in Helsinki.

10. Current Status and Future Technologies for Gas Storage and Transportation: the UK case by G. Dodero Chairman IPG Srl and A.R. Anderson, BG Technology ( former British Gas ) UK. Presented at 6th Annual Middle East Gas Summit, Doha, Qatar on 10th Oct. 2000

11. Assessing the economic aspects of the advanced natural gas storage and transportation technologies by G.Dodero IPG Srl presented at 4th Annual Industry Forum European Gas Storage Conference London, 29 March 2001

12. Assessing District heating and cogeneration plants in Italy: a case study by G.Dodero & Livio Lumassi IPG Srl. This paper has been presented at the IBC Workshop " Italian Utilities and the Role of Municipalities ", 27 June 2001.

13. Updating Gas Turbine Heat Recovery Steam Generator Technology by G.Dodero IPG Srl Presented at POWERGen 2002 Milan June 2002

14. Italy: Implementing the entry-exit tariff system by G.Dodero IPG Srl and F. Almerico ASML Spa presented at Gas Storage and Transport Conference London 11th Sept. 2002

15. Liberalization: success or not by G.Dodero and V. Annoni IPG Srl presented at POWER GEN 2004 Conference Barcelona Spain May 2004.

16. Impianti innovativi di gassificazione per produzione di energia elettrica ed idrogeno by G.Dodero and V. Annoni Convegno Nazionale AEIT Genova 10-11 Giugno 2004

17. Advanced gasification and gas turbine processes by G. Dodero and M. Barra IPG Srl presented at POWER GEN 2005 Milan

18. Evaluating the economic impact of new nuclear plants in Italy by G. Dodero and M. Barra IPG Srl presented at POWER GEN 2005 Milan

19. Gasification/ABC power generation cycle eliminates Rankine, reduces cost : review of Mr. Dodero activities on advanced CC and IGCC processes 3Q/2005 US Combined Cycle Journal

20. Onsite gas storage may help improve reliability of some generating plants: review of Mr. Dodero activities on advanced natural gas storage technologies 1Q/ 2006 US Combined Cycle Journal

21. Selecting the best NOx abatement strategy in conventional coal fired units by G.Dodero Presented at Power Gen Europe 2006 Conference in Cologne

22. Comparing EU and US clean power generation support programs by G.Dodero and G. Paganuzzi Presented at Power Gen Europe 2006 Conference in Cologne

23. Una piattaforma tecnologica contro l'anidride carbonica prodotta da combustibili fossili of Mr. G. Dodero IPG Nuova Energia magazine n.5 2006. This article is related to the CCS technology.